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All high schools within the Palouse region are invited to attend the 2024 Chemical Olympiad hosted by the Washington-Idaho Border Local Section of the American Chemical Society. Please click here to see the formal invitation letter.


The 2024 Chemical Olympiad will occur from 9 am until about 4:00 pm on Saturday, February 24th, 2024 at the Chemistry Department (Renfrew Hall) at University of Idaho in Moscow, ID. A detailed schedule can be seen here.


The lab experiments that will be undertaken this year are: Alloys (Penny Lab), Qualitative Analysis, Polymers, and Glow Sticks


To register for the 2024 Chemical Olympiad, please fill out the form seen below. Registration will include a free pizza lunch and T-shirt for all registered attendees. Registration closes February 16th, 2024.

Will this be your first time attending the Chemical Olypiad hosted by WIBS?

Thanks for registering for the 2024 Chemical Olympiad. We will be in touch if we have any questions.

This form no longer accepts submissions.

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